The Semilla Church is incorporated as a religious entity (on the basis of Article 16 of the Spanish Constitution; of Article 5 of Organic Law 7/1980; and of the article 3 of Royal Legislative Decree 142/1981, of 9 January). This done with the nature of CHURCH, PROTESTANT confession and REFORMED BAPTIST CHURCH denomination.
The Semilla Church is listed in the Ministry of Justice, with number 022060 (8872-SE/A before).
The Semilla Church has full organizational autonomy, acting under the name, purpose, organizational scheme and governing and representative body that are proper to it.
The Semilla Church is grouped together in FEREDE (Federación de Entidades Religiosas Evangélicas de España). FEREDE constitutes the governing and representative body of Spanish Protestantism before the Spanish Kingdom.
The Semilla Church has neither legal nor administrative connection to other churches with a similar name in or outside Spain.